American Chiropractic

Typical treatment plans and phases of care

Healing - Stabilization - Prevention

Typical treatment plans and phases of care




Healing Phase

Most patients are given options for treatment depending upon their individual needs and goals. Although the spine can take weeks or months to reach an optimum level of function most patients experience moderate relief for their symptoms within a few visits. If symptom relief is your only goal, no schedule of care is given and you can return as you see fit, however, as with going to the gym on a regular basis the same is true for chiropractic care when you begin. If your goal is to improve the function and structure of your spine then 2 to 5 treatments per week is usually recommended for a few weeks at which time the Myovision Scan can be repeated to highlight improvement. This is called the acute or Healing Phase of care and can take from 4-12 weeks.


Stabilization Phase

If you´re achieving relief for your symptoms and the Myovision Scan documents positive change it could be recommended to continue with the same frequency of treatment or to reduce the frequency to provide supportive care to allow the spine more time to heal and to begin to stabilize. This is referred to as the Stabilization Phase of care and can last from 8-16 weeks during which the frequency of treatment may be gradually reduced. Most patients during this stage of care begin to notice many other positive aspects beyond their primary goal. They sleep better, have fewer headaches, have more energy, fewer digestive problems and breath better. Seemingly unrelated health problems magically improve and this can be directly related to less pressure on your spine and nervous system which regulate the health of your entire body.


Prevention Phase

Periodic Myovision Scans are repeated at regular intervals to ensure that spinal correction is continuing and the frequency of treatment suits your stage of recovery. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of comfort and maximum spinal health and return for periodic treatments to keep your health at its optimum. This is the last stage or Prevention Phase of care and can last a lifetime. Depending on individual goals, the frequency could be from once per week to once per month.

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