Where conventional or “allopathic” medicine focuses on curing illness through surgery and pharmaceuticals, the goal of chiropractic is to optimize health with a non-invasive approach that does not use drugs or surgery. Chiropractic’s primary avenue of care is delivering “chiropractic adjustments” to the spine and the framework of the body.
Interference to the nervous system causes the body to malfunction and develop symptoms. The spine, when misaligned, is the most common structural cause of interference to the nervous system. This is called a vertebral (spinal) subluxation.
When you have “subluxations” in your spine, the spinal bones cause interference to your nervous system. Chiropractors locate the areas of the spine that are subluxated and perform adjustments (treatments) to heal the subluxations and remove the interference to the nervous system.
What makes chiropractic care different is the approach to your health problem. As chiropractors, we try to heal your health conditions and improve the overall health of your body. We are not trying to merely cover up your symptoms. Our approach to your health is to heal the cause of your health problems, improve your overall health, and then work to keep you as healthy as possible for the rest of your life.
Chiropractic patients often visit their chiropractor periodically in order to simply relieve irritations – to get “adjusted”. Individuals also seek chiropractic care for back pain, neck pain, joint pain, headaches, migraines, arthritis, dizziness, vertigo, disc herniations / protrusions, bulging discs, posture concerns, paediatric health problems, athletic performance, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprains, as well as non-musculoskeletal conditions including allergies, asthma, and digestive disorders including irritable bowel syndrome.
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